Studio filming for Top Gear US is Underway

Posted on October 19, 2010


Studio filming began last week for the new American version of Top Gear, and we were glad to hear that lots of genuine fans of our ramshackle little show from over the pond were able to get hold of tickets. We hope you all had a great time, and thanks to all the below for your comments.

A few of our long-time supporters and correspondents at FinalGear have posted tales of the filming, while industry site Motor Trend declared in a metaphor of which most Americans should approve: “Safe to say, my first bite of delicious, chocolate Top Gear America cake tasted pretty sweet.”

Autoblog reckons it could become your second favourite show, while Matt Farah from the colonially spelt Smoking Tire had this to say:

“I’ll admit, this morning upon walking into the studio, I was pretty sceptical, though I had an open mind and high hopes. I have to say that, after seeing the quality of the segments, the fun, American style of the hosts, and the blend of cars and comedy in this episode, I’m now confident that… it’s going to be a really fun show to watch, and for the 80% of Americans that have never heard of Top Gear, will be the best car show they have ever seen on TV. So bloggers, fans and critics, cut these guys some slack.”

Elsewhere, Tony Hawk (‘Greatest Living Skateboarder’ man, not ‘Take a Fridge Round Ireland’ man) posted the picture below on his Twitter feed. We wouldn’t normally run spoilers, but the man looks so happy to be part of the ‘Big Star in a Small Car’ section, we thought you’d like to see it.

Other stars confirmed to appear include Michelle Rodriguez (Fast and the Furious, Avatar), Bret Michaels out of Poison, Kid Rock, Tim Allen and Buzz Aldrin. Yes, BUZZ ALDRIN.

Top Gear US will be airing on the History Channel in America later this year – we’ll give you the dates as soon as we can, as well as any news on broadcast plans for other countries. And later this week, Top Gear TV’s script editor and genial joke machine Richard Porter will be reporting back for from his time in California. We’re assured he hasn’t bought a pair of snakeskin boots and declared a lifelong love of NASCAR. Yet.

Posted in: Top Gear News